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To recap, the Senior Track is applicable for students moving to Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25, with the following considerations:

  • Grade 10 students have the option to pick from the Senior courses OR the Career Discovery & Planning experience.

  • Grade 7 students who have already experienced our Junior Track are welcome to consider the Senior courses in May 2024.


The Senior track comprises the following course options; all students will sign up for the full 3 weeks, by choosing from the options below:



Sr 2024 Course List
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Leveraging the Power of ChatGPT/ Generative AI
(Senior Track - Students in Grades 7,8,9,10 in 2024-25)

May 22-29, 2024


ChatGPT (and more generally, all of Generative AI technology) is one of the most powerful technologies ever invented and will completely transform how we learn, how we study, and what all we are capable of doing. Everyone has tried it out, and most students are using it for homework assignments. However, most people have just scratched the surface of the possibilities and they are not aware of the full power of this technology. The different ways in which it can be used are just mind-boggling.

This course will give students a hands-on introduction to GenAI via lots of mini-projects designed to help them understand and use GenAI in a number of different areas, from programming, data analysis, visualizations, knowledge management, image/audio/video manipulations, translations, and much more. Students will learn how to go beyond the obvious and get better output out of the various GenAI tools. They will also explore how Gen AI can be used to learn a topic or assist them in a project- this is invaluable for students interested in any subject, not just 'STEM'.

The course will also give students an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of GenAI, what works well, what are the problem areas and gotchas to be careful of, and the common misconceptions people have about Gen AI. At this point, there is already research on the kinds of tasks for which it supercharges our abilities, and the kinds of problems for which it can make things worse if we're not careful. 

In general, this technology is changing very fast and this course is designed to equip the students with strategies that will help them to be ready for whatever comes our way. Students will also learn to use Gen AI as a partner in their learning, well beyond this course.

Note #1: This course will not cover the internals of how ChatGPT in particular, or any other AI in general works. That is covered in a different course that will also run during this summer camp.

Note #2: Students will be required to have a ChatGPT Plus account (which costs approximately ₹1650 for one month) for this course. We will help students set this up if they don't already have it.


This course is facilitated by Navin Kabra.


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Gifted Children at the GenWise Summer Program

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

(Senior Track - Students in Grades 7,8,9,10 in 2024-25)


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are changing the world, and there is going to be an increasing demand for the people who can understand and build AI/ML systems.


All aspects of our life are being digitized and data is being captured, and much of this data is available to anybody who wants to do something with it. More and more of our day-to-day activities will be controlled by or influenced by algorithms. Which means that the most exciting technologies today (and the ones that are also the most successful) are the ones that can make sense of this data in a way humans can. Every company, from Google to Facebook to Netflix to Amazon to Flipkart are turning to AI/ML for best results.


The first two weeks of this course will give students a hands-on introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, while Week 3 will focus on the groundbreaking progress being made in Generative AI, and how students can leverage the power of these developments.


The course will introduce the students to 3 different aspects of AI theory and practice:

  • Understanding the theory of AI/ML

  • Learning how to build simple machine learning systems using low-code/no-code tools

  • Using AI algorithms with some existing data-sets to solve problems and build games


Specifically, the course will cover the following:


High-Level Concepts

  • What are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

  • How is it different from normal software and computers?

  • An overview of the most important different approaches to AI

  • What types of problems they're best suited for?

  • And, what are some current applications that they're being used for?

  • The weaknesses of AI

  • The problems caused by inappropriate use of AI



  • Introduction to the mathematics that underlies ML algorithms

  • Understanding the train-test-validation cycle

  • Understanding the concept of hyperparameters and tuning

  • Understanding overfitting, underfitting, and the bias vs. variance trade-off

  • Techniques for improving accuracy



  • Image/audio/video/text classification using ML

  • Build simple games using ML and Scratch

  • Analyzing some real-world datasets using Python

  • Final Course Project


Week 3 of the course will be purely focused on learning to use the full power of ChatGPT and GenAI. Details here.


This course is facilitated by Navin Kabra.


Economics Modules at GenWise Gifted Children Summer Program

Modules in Economics

(Senior Track - Students in Grades 7,8,9,10 in 2024-25)


Economics is the study of how to get the most out of life.


But what does this mean in practice? It means understanding two things, above all else. The first is an understanding of what choices exist where each of our lives is concerned. The second is an understanding of the costs involved in making a particular choice.


In this week-long Economics & Life Choices module, we will learn to study and apply economics in the course of our daily lives. We will understand how we make a particular choice out of the menu of options that we are faced with, and how that choice affects our lives in the times to come. How, for example, do we end up choosing the subjects we do when it comes to studies? What is the cost of choosing a particular field of study? What, if anything, are we maximizing when we write examinations? Can economics tell us how to go about studying better?


We will also learn to apply concepts associated with choices and costs. What is the importance of time in our lives? Playing Call of Duty seems like an excellent idea while you’re playing it, but might seventy-year-old-you wish that you’d spent that time studying instead? How should we think about this problem?


How long a horizon should we keep in mind when thinking about the impact of choices we make? Will your great great grand-daughter wish that you had walked more, and driven less? And if that sounds too far fetched, do you wish that your grandparents had purchased some shares in your name?


How should we think about the unintended consequences of our actions? How should we anticipate other people might behave, and how should we change our behaviours accordingly? What is the correct way to think about prices, and what story are these prices telling us?


This module teaches you to do two things. It teaches you to think like an economist, and it teaches you to see the world like an economist does. The worldview of an economist may not be the most romantic one around, but it does help us understand - a bit better -  why the world works the way it does.


An informed citizen data scientist not only helps analyze the raw data, supplemented with visualisations, but also is able to better interpret such analyses/ visualizations presented to him/ her. This Data/ Visualisation/ Statistics module covers the following:

  • Set the context for what is possible using available data

  • An overview of the statistical concepts/ tools that underlie data and analysis

  • Interpreting the quality of the conclusions (signal/noise ratio, possible errors we need to seek to avoid, reliability, etc.), which is at the heart of all statistical analysis

  • The format for interaction will be a mix of in-class lectures, hands-on assignments, and DIY projects.



The Public Policy module will cover the following:

  • Various stages of the policy process, from problem identification and analysis to implementation and evaluation.

  • Key issues in public policy, such as healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability.

  • Various actors and stakeholders involved in policy-making, including governments, NGOs, and community groups, and how they interact with one another.


To make things more engaging, we'll play games in class to help illustrate different concepts and get students thinking about these issues in a hands-on way.


This course is facilitated by Ashish Kulkarni.


Engineering Design via Bicycles Course at the GenWise Summer Program for GIfted Children

Introduction to Engineering Design, via Bicycles

(Senior Track - Students in Grades 7,8,9,10 in 2024-25)


Engineers make all kinds of cool things which make our lives better - from everyday objects like bicycles and smartphones, to racing cars, hyperloops, and spaceships! Using the everyday bicycle as an example, this course provides a carefully curated introduction to the various aspects of engineering and design involved in making great products.


Some of these important aspects include:

  • Scientific Knowledge: Understanding the physics of forces, how the load gets distributed in the bicycle frame, the ‘mechanical advantage’ of a gear system are examples of this.

  • Functional Design: The use of a bicycle in different contexts results in different requirements that the engineer/ designer has to satisfy. For example, a commuter who takes his cycle on to a train everyday needs a compact or maybe a foldable cycle, whereas a racer is much more concerned about speed and aerodynamics. Also, the same functional requirement can be met through different design approaches.

  • Prototyping & Testing: Engineering ideas are refined through building and testing prototypes which allow us to predict how well the idea will work.

  • Use of Technologies: New technologies can offer new possibilities like carbon fibres that provide both strength and are lightweight. Electronic sensors and actuators can switch on the headlights in dim conditions or change gears automatically based on conditions.


In this very hands-on course, students will:

  • Understand how a bicycle works by taking it apart and assembling it together; learn to do some simple repairs

  • Learn the physics involved in the working of a bicycle

  • Work on design challenges by building and testing various prototypes

  • Learn about the history of bicycle design and understand how and why changes happened at different points of time

  • Do a couple of small projects with electronic sensors and actuators on a bicycle, demonstrating the impact of new tech.


This course is facilitated by Muralidhar K.


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Level Up Your Game: A Journey into Game Design and Development

(Sr Track - Students in Grades 7,8,9,10 in 2024-25)


"Game design is a unique art form, one that draws upon all other arts while adding its own unique ingredients." – Scott Rogers


Hey there, future game master! Ever wondered what makes games like Fortnite so addictive or why Monopoly can turn a chill night into a competitive showdown? Dive into the world of game design and discover the secrets behind crafting those epic gaming experiences!


Get ready to play and analyze everything from classic card games to the latest video games. Understand what makes each tick, and unleash your creativity to design your own. Whether you’re a fan of RPGs, board games, or digital adventures, there’s something here for you.


You'll also learn the nuts and bolts of game design. We're talking about crafting plans that don't just save time and resources but also turn your wild ideas into play-worthy games. No need to be a coding wizard either – this course is all about creativity and vision.


Ever dreamed of building your own game world? We’ve got you covered! You’ll get hands-on with digital tools and game engines, bringing your ideas to life across different platforms.


From creating your first game prototype to rewriting the rules of

Monopoly, every step is an adventure. Unleash your inner game designer and let’s create something legendary!


This course is facilitated by Amaresh Deshpande.


Introduction to Aeromodelling: Unlocking the Skies for Young Inventors
(Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25)


Embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of aeromodelling in this 3-week intensive course. Aspiring scientists and engineers  will delve into the intricate physics and engineering of flight. By constructing aeroplanes from cardboard, students will not only grasp theoretical concepts but also develop practical skills that will help them in future endeavours. Aeromodelling will serve as a gateway to developing the skills of creativity and critical thinking, and the attitudes of ‘learning by doing’ and persistence.


Discover the thrill of mastering model airplanes, through designing, making and refining prototypes. Strengthen your problem-solving abilities and gain a deeper understanding of aerospace technology. 


In this course, you will do the following in a step-by-step manner-


1. Unraveling the Physics of Flight

Dive into the fundamental principles governing flight. Explore aerodynamics, lift, and drag, laying the groundwork for understanding aircraft dynamics. Engage in thought-provoking discussions and experiments, setting the stage for hands-on application.


2. Mastering Electronics for Aviation

Immerse yourself in the realm of electronics as you dissect RC control, motors, and batteries. Gain practical insights into the components that drive aviation technology, fostering an appreciation for the synergy between engineering and flight.


3. Building and Flying High

Translate theory into reality by constructing a model airplane from scratch. Learn the intricacies of design and assembly, merging creativity with engineering precision.Students will first learn to fly a virtual aeroplane and practice on a simulator. The course will culminate in the model aeroplane taking to the skies. The self-built aircraft will be piloted following comprehensive safety protocols.


Note 1: Students will sign an honour code pledging to work slowly, systematically, and safely with the materials which can cause small injuries if not handled carefully. The honor code will require students to be especially careful in flying the model airplane as it can injure others in the vicinity. If the instructors are not convinced of some students being able to do this safely, they will not be allowed to fly the model airplane; the instructor's decision will be final and binding. 


Note 2: A kit fee of INR 10,000 will be charged in addition to the course fee. Students will carry the kit back with them and can continue working on the model airplane under the supervision of an adult. The transmitter will NOT be included with the kit, but details of how to procure the same will be shared with the parent. This is to ensure that the model aeroplane cannot be flown without the permission and guidance of the parent.


This course is facilitated by Rupin Chheda.


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Explorations in Math: The math behind Google Maps & Amazon Delivery  (and more)
(Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25)


A unique opportunity for students to explore and learn math concepts rarely offered in middle/high school; topics include Proofs Vs Conjectures, Combinatorics, Number Theory and Probability.


It is impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet in your soul - Sofya Kovalevskaya, Russian mathematician who made noteworthy contributions to analysis, partial differential equations and mechanics.

Module 1: Graph Theory & Routing: The Math Behind Google Maps & Amazon Delivery


Perhaps we are unaware that we are employing graph theory in our daily lives. In fact, graph theory is used in many of our daily routine activities.


We know that everything in our world is interconnected; for example cities are connected by road, rail and air networks; hyperlinks connect webpages on the internet; an electric circuit or a computer chip’s various components are interconnected; and so on. Graph theory can assist engineering, scientists, and other professionals who want to analyze, comprehend and optimize these interconnected networks.


For instance - every time we use Google Maps to find the best route between two locations, order food on Swiggy or a package on Amazon, they employ sophisticated versions of graph theory to share the most optimal route, or recommend dishes or products.


Why is graph theory so useful in solving these problems?  The most basic answer lies in the fact that graphs can be easy and straightforward models of objects that make up complicated real life situations.


In this module, we will explore mathematics of graphs and network routing using examples and problems that are basic and yet which bring out the key aspects of the more sophisticated problems in this domain. Additionally, this topic presents an opportunity for young, gifted students to experience how mathematics develops and how mathematicians approach their subject. This is an important learning experience for students as they rarely get a chance to discover mathematical material for themselves.


Module 2: Mathematics of Games & Puzzles

It is hard to find anyone who does not like games and puzzles. Sometimes the games seem complicated and it is difficult to figure out a strategy for playing the games. This course takes a mathematical approach to playing games and solving puzzles. Some games are pure strategy, like chess while others are pure luck. However, there are a range of games that are a combination of strategy and luck. For instance, many casino games fall in the last category.


In this module, we will discuss various types of games and the focus on understanding the underlying mathematical structure that leads to victory, loss or no win and no loss.


Similarly, for puzzles too, we will analyze them from the perspectives of their mathematical structure. There are some games and puzzles, for example,  which look very challenging but are actually quite simple. On the other hand, there are games and puzzles which are very simple but even a small modification of the rules makes them extremely difficult.


In short, through games and puzzles this module will explore fundamental mathematical concepts like Probability and Combinatorics.


Module 3: Math Olympiad Problems

A selection of Problems from Olympiads will be put forward to our bright students for analysis, and solving, followed by discussion.



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Introduction to Forensic Science
(Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25)


An interdisciplinary exploration


How do forensic scientists analyse traces of evidence found at crime scenes? Can a small drop of blood or strand of hair help identify the suspects?


In this course, we will answer such questions by understanding the biological, chemical, and physical concepts of forensic science. We will further explore the ethical and legal aspects of crime forensics by understanding the roles of bias, doubt, and technology in investigations.


Each topic is set against the backdrop of a real or fictional case, and to solve it, we will engage in investigations, debates, and discussions to understand the topic in detail. All throughout, the focus is on the process of scientific inquiry and the legal principle of ‘proof beyond reasonable doubt’.


We will use our analytical skills to examine fingerprints, DNA, blood samples, and bullet fragments. We do this against the backdrop of cases adapted for students at this learning stage. In the process, we dive deeply into understanding fingerprint formation and patterns; and the structure of DNA, how it is useful as evidence, and what the process is for differentiating the DNA of two people. We will have similar deep dives into the understanding of blood and the process of blood typing and matching. We finally take a journey back in time and reconstruct one of the most famous crime scenes – the JFK assassination, and using our knowledge of force and motion, try to resolve discrepancies in the case.


This course is a perfect mix of deep dives into cutting-edge scientific concepts and using critical thinking to make evidence-based deductions. So put on your investigative hats, make deductions based on evidence, and reach conclusions on different forensic cases!


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Introduction to Neuroscience
(Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25)


The brain is perhaps the most complex physical object known to mankind. It is responsible for “elementary” behaviours such as walking, more “complex” processes such as learning and memory, and is, arguably, the seat of consciousness. This course is an attempt at demystifying the brain, and discussing some (but certainly not all) of the wonderful functions that this pound of flesh allows.


The course will be engaging and interactive - many historical titbits, fun examples, vivid images, and clinical cases will be shared. Students will participate in cool demonstrations related to neuroscience concepts such as signalling, perception and action. The course also involves ‘going science’ by collecting data on a simple behavioural task and trying to analyse that data to gain deeper insight into nervous system function.


The important areas that will be covered in this course are

  • Foundational principles- structure and signalling in the brain

  • How different circuits come together to form systems like- Vision, Touch and Pain, Movement

  • How learning and memory work- how is learning to ride a bicycle different from remembering a list of things to buy at the grocery store

  • Diseases and disorders such as Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Schizophrenia- and what they reveal about how much we still don’t know about the brain.



Life, the City, and Changing Climate
(Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25)


Life in cities is becoming pretty unpredictable in these times of changing climate. Floods are followed by drought whether it is Kochi, Chennai, Bengaluru, Bonn, Berlin or Beijing. Traffic congestion, air pollution, mounds of waste, loss of green spaces, increase in paved surfaces, and rising temperatures characterise our cities. Those of us living in these 'heat islands' are trying to figure out what is happening and why. Is there a way out of this? How should we plan and build our cities so that they become liveable? Can people and 'nature' coexist in cities?


When we hear words like 'nature' or 'biodiversity' we think of forests, wildlife parks, mountains, the sea – very rarely an urban space, paved roads, cracks in walls, pools of water. The way our houses are built, the materials we use, how our cities are planned and laid out, deeply impact and shape all life in our cities…. and our future. Can we explore possibilities of re-imagining our urban spaces so that all life can flourish?


There are cities which have been doing just this: re-imagining their spaces to make them liveable, breathable and dynamic. Innovative, democratic and participatory planning has been at the heart of such efforts. Green spaces, parks, city forests and water bodies naturally bring temperatures down, improving quality of life and contributing to capturing carbon as well.


In this course, we start by taking 'nature walks' in our neighbourhood - 'nature' which is right outside our doorstep. As we begin an exploration of this 'nature', we will start understanding its different forms, how we are shaping it and being shaped by it. This will lead us to the larger question of the changing face of cities in a changing climate and what it means for our collective future. We will use ‘systems thinking’ approaches to map key elements of the situation and their interrelationships.


The course is relevant to every concerned earthling. And for those passionate about the cause, it could be a stepping stone to disciplines like urban ecology, urban biodiversity, landscape architecture, environmental science and sustainability which are increasingly becoming important areas of study.


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