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Welcome ATS Scholars
to this Online Program!

(only for students moving to Gr 5 in 2023-24)


At this age, our young scholars need to build their skills and expand their knowledge in their emerging areas of talent. Our Grade 5 Gifted Online Program gives motivated scholars the chance to explore diverse topics in depth, and with the support of experienced instructors. Course activities develop critical and creative thinking as students engage with content that inspires excitement and further interest in the domain.

Why Choose the Gifted Online Program?

  • Engaging topics that cultivate higher-level thinking and creative problem-solving skills.

  • Modules are designed for the online classroom with the bright learner in mind.

  • Students receive a completion certificate (80%+ attendance required) at the end of the program.

Key Details: Class Schedule

Gifted Online May 2023 Schedule.png


  • For students currently in Grade 4, moving to Grade 5 for 2024-25 academic year, who have qualified for the Asset Talent Search/ Gifted Talent Search assessments, and have been placed as Gold/ Silver/ Bronze scholars.

Program Fee

  • This is a 2-week online program. Students are required to join the entire program. Program Fee: Rs 9900

  • Early-bird discount: Rs 900

    • Last date to avail the early-bird benefit: March 31, 2024

  • Students will be required to purchase a Foldscope for the Science module. (Indicative Price ~Rs 500)

Module Outlines

Module 1: Intro to Computational Thinking

Instructor: Abhijith Giridhar

Duration: 6 hours (May 15-18)


Computational thinking is a problem-solving approach that involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts, and using logical and algorithmic thinking to find solutions. In this introductory course, students will learn the fundamentals of computational thinking through a series of hands-on, unplugged activities that do not require access to computers or other technology.


Through fun and engaging activities, students will learn to think like a computer scientist, developing skills such as problem-solving, pattern recognition, and algorithmic thinking. They will learn to analyze problems, break them down into smaller parts, and design step-by-step solutions to solve them.


Activities in the course may include games, puzzles, and challenges that involve sorting and categorizing, sequencing, pattern recognition, and other foundational concepts in computer science. Students will work individually and in groups to develop their computational thinking skills, and will have opportunities to practice presenting and explaining their solutions to others.


By the end of the course, students will have gained a beginning understanding of computational thinking and its importance in problem-solving and decision-making. They will have developed critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied to a wide range of contexts, both in and out of the classroom. No prior experience in computer science or technology is necessary for this course.





Module 2: Exploring Math through Puzzles & Games

Instructor: Jayasree Subramanian

Duration: 6 hours (May 19-23)


In this course, students will explore mathematical concepts and problem-solving skills through a series of fun and challenging puzzles. The idea is to provide opportunities for students to engage in practices of the mathematician - specialising and generalising, conjecturing and convincing, imagining and expressing, extending and restricting, and so on. The medium will be puzzles and games, carefully selected to challenge and engage students.


The course will cover a variety of mathematical topics, including number sense, geometry, measurement, logic, etc. Students will work individually and in groups to solve puzzles that involve pattern recognition, logical reasoning, spatial visualization, and other key skills. The puzzles in this course will be designed to encourage students to take risks and try different approaches to problem-solving. They will be given the opportunity to explain their thinking, collaborate with others, and reflect on their learning.


As students learn to solve puzzles and explain their thinking they will develop their critical thinking skills and mathematical thinking skills, including visualization, analysis, and abstraction. By the end of the course, students will have developed skills to approach problems creatively, think logically, and work collaboratively to find solutions. The puzzles in this course will help students to see mathematics as a fun and engaging subject that can be applied to real-world problems and situations.





Module 3: Science Investigations

Instructor: Rafikh Shaikh

Duration: 6 hours (May 24-27)


In this course, students will explore the ecosystems around them using the Foldscope, an innovative and portable microscope that can be used to observe the microorganisms in our immediate environment. 


Through a series of virtual field trips and guided observations in their immediate home environment, students will discover the diversity of life that exists all around them, including living and nonliving things, food chains and webs, and how energy flows through the system.

Students will learn about the different components of an ecosystem, including producers, consumers, and decomposers, and the roles they play in maintaining a healthy and balanced environment.


Using the Foldscope, students will learn how to 

  • observe and document the living organisms they find, 

  • how to collect and prepare samples for microscopic analysis, 

  • how to record and interpret their observations, 

  • and how to communicate their findings effectively to others


By the end of the course, students will have a deep understanding of ecosystems and the natural world around them. They will have developed their scientific observation skills and will be able to apply their knowledge to the exploration and discovery of the world around them.


Note: Students are required to purchase the Foldscope for this course. 

Module 1: Computational Thinking
Module 2: Math Thru Puzzles
Module 3: Science Investigations
Program Details
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