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Leslee Lazar

Leslee Lazar is a neuroscientist who teaches at the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences at the IIT Gandhinagar. He teaches a wide variety of courses like cognitive science, neuroscience, learning & memory, aesthetics, writing, storytelling, etc for the Masters and PhD students. He is passionate about integrating behavioral sciences (cognitive science and neuroscience) to other disciplines and, therefore, regularly conducts workshops on cognition and behavioral change for design students and professionals.

His research interests are in understanding how the brain facilitates tactile perception and integrates it with the other senses. In his free time, he is an artist who uses various techniques like collage, photomontage, woodcut printmaking etc. His artwork can be seen here -

For GenWise, Leslee facilitates Sessions on the Science of Touch for adolescents and adults.

Leslee Lazar

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