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Sachin Tiwari

Sachin Tiwari is a policy researcher and data analyst. He has also worked as a high school teacher for three years, teaching sociology and economics curriculum of IGCSE Board and NIOS, India. His time at the school has convinced him that one creates the society that one aspires for, one day at a time, with young learners. This has driven him to continue working in academic research and high school teaching simultaneously.

He has a B.Sc in Biotechnology from Vellore Institute of Technology University, a Master’s degree in Development from Azim Premji University and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from National Law School of India University. This interdisciplinary training has enabled him to work at the intersection of science, technology and policy.

He is currently a Research Associate at the Institute of Public Policy, NLSIU, Bengaluru and MEL Consultant at Frankwater Projects, UK.

He spends his spare time running ultramarathons and cycling long distances. Endurance sports has been pivotal in shaping his work and life, in addition to bringing stories of human endeavour, perseverance, failure and success, in classroom.

That’s Not Fair! An Introduction to Economics & Sociology

Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.

Victor Hugo


May 2023

Generally, children as young as 4 years old are beginning to understand the concept of fairness. “That’s not fair!” is a common sentiment among children. Most kids complain something is unfair at one time or another but need conversations and guidance to understand what it means.

Understanding the concept of fairness is critical in a young person’s life.

  • A child who recognizes (un)fairness can be more empathetic.

  • Learning and applying the concept of fairness will stretch a child’s ability to be patient

  • It lays the foundation for developing sensitivity towards others.

Through the idea of (un)fairness, this interdisciplinary course is designed to introduce a combination of foundational concepts from economics and sociology which enables the participants to understand relationships between individuals, socio-economic contexts, opportunities that are available to individuals, and consequent life outcomes. It then moves to provide learners with an approach to understand the variations in life outcomes, develop explanatory approaches to them and the manner in which all of these lead to progress and development in a society.


The mode in which this course operates is – to enable learners to think through observations and matters of interest to them, which may be within or outside their immediate world but those which have nevertheless interested the learners. The course does not prescribe what to think. It is aimed at helping learners develop an understanding and ability in how to think.

By the end of this course, the students are expected to:

  • Understand fairness, equality and equity; and how these are operationalized

  • Understand the broad thrust and implications of inequality as a feature of contemporary society

  • Understand the determinants of, and the process through which, (un)fairness introduces and propagates itself

  • Gain a brief introduction to ideas of social stratification and social mobility; progress and development.

This 2.5 day course is part of the 2-week program for our Junior students, which includes sessions on Math, Science and Creative Writing.

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